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LCA Academics

Lakeway Christian Academy is committed to providing students with a rigorous academic experience that equips them to be life-long learners. In making decisions about advanced curriculum, we advise families to consider multiple factors. These factors include evaluation of a student’s academic capacity, extra-curricular activities, family and church commitments, as well as teacher recommendation information. In the spirit of good stewardship, it is our desire that students have an academic schedule that meets their aptitude as well as nurtures their development holistically.

Advanced curriculum substantially exceed content standards, learning expectations, and performance indicators to standard courses. Teachers of Honors courses model instructional approaches that facilitate maximum interchange of ideas among students to include independent study, self-directed research and learning, and appropriate use of technology. All Honors courses include multiple assessments exemplifying course and include a minimum of five of the following components:

  1. Extended reading assignments that connect with the specified curriculum
  2. Research-based writing assignments that address and extend the course curriculum
  3. Projects that apply course curriculum to relevant or real-world situations
  4. Open-ended investigations in which the student selects the questions and designs the research
  5. Writing assignments that demonstrate a variety of modes, purposes, and styles
  6. Integration of appropriate technology into the course of study
  7. Deeper exploration of the culture, values, and history of the discipline
  8. Extensive opportunities for problem solving experiences through imagination, critical analysis, and application Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement (AP) courses are college-level courses taught in high school that afford students the opportunity to earn college credit in addition to a high school credit.

In order to earn college credit for AP courses, a student must attain a specific score on a national standardized examination. In dual enrollment courses, students must earn at least a C in order for the credit to transfer to a college. These courses replicate the workload of an introductory college course, therefore, students should expect outside work and is more rigorous than Honor level classes. Students in Honors, or AP courses who earn less than 70% during the first semester will be moved to a regular class. Students who wish to take Honors, DE, or AP courses must have departmental approval.


The Bible department wants nothing more than to establish relationships and knowledge of the Bible with students. We try our best to give students an interactive experience in each class so that what they learn can be retained. From sixth grade to twelfth grade, we hope that students will have a fully immersed experience with each part of the Bible and the current culture, so that when they leave LCA, they will be confidently prepared to stand firm in their faith and lead others to an appropriate understanding of a Christian life.


In the math department at Lakeway, students study the order and intricacy of our Creation through the patterns that mankind has discovered and recorded over time. Math faculty emphasize character growth as students improve in the life skills that make them successful in math such as responsibility, time management, problem solving, and the importance of directly tackling difficult tasks.

Academically, our math teachers also integrate technology starting at a 6th grade level. Students learn how to successfully use calculators, graphing software, the Microsoft suite, and an online math portal through Carnegie Learning curriculum. At the high school level specifically, our math classes provide opportunities for students to practice and improve on the skills necessary to be successful at national standardized tests such as the ACT, PSAT, and SAT. For the students who are most passionate about math, science, and engineering, the math department at LCA offers Advanced Placement Calculus AB.

Ultimately, our math department strives to help our students grow in stature and favor with God and man by instilling an appreciation of the depth of Creation and a life-long goal to be more like Jesus.


In the science department at Lakeway, students learn about our Creator by studying the attributes of His Creation. The science faculty aim to equip students with both scientific and Biblical knowledge, so students are confident discussing topics with intelligence and a grace that can influence the world for Christ.

Academically, the science classes at LCA provide opportunities to grow in study skills, problem solving skills, and hands-on lab skills for students from grades 6-12. Lakeway’s campus has four laboratories for various age levels and disciplines, each equipped with state-of-the-art lab equipment. Students who graduate from LCA are familiar with laboratory safety procedures and are more prepared to work in either a university lab or an industrial lab setting. For students most passionate about science and engineering, the high school science department offers Advanced Placement courses in Chemistry and Biology with AP Physics on the horizon. An anatomy and physiology elective is also available for those interested in pursuing medical disciplines in the future.

The ultimate goal for our science courses is for students to gain an appreciation for the intricacy, order, and complexity with which God created His universe. Understanding the detail with which our God created the universe leads to an appreciation of the complexity and intricacy of the Creator Himself.


The English Department at Lakeway seeks to ground students in a working knowledge of grammar in order to enhance critical reading and writing skills in all levels of study. Beginning in the sixth grade, students will be expected to understand how the English language works and will begin crafting written responses to assigned readings. All high school students will be instructed in the research process and will be exposed to college-level writing skills. Advanced students pursuing the Classical track may begin taking dual enrollment English Composition 101 during their junior year, as accredited through Carson-Newman University. English Composition 201 offers qualifying seniors an intensive study of literary analysis, followed by the Senior Thesis project during the spring semester. Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature is also offered to upper level students.

Our English department staff represents a wide array of interests, but we present a united front in desiring our students to pursue the study of literature through a Biblical lens. We believe that our highest honor remains the calling to enhance our students’ reading skills so that they may pursue their own independent study of God’s Word throughout their lives.


The history department at Lakeway strives to develop in students an understanding of and love for history and its related subjects. We seek to do this by emphasizing the role that God has played through man in developing our country and our world. The development of a biblical Christian worldview is prioritized in the process of helping students to achieve this goal.  Additionally, we strive to help students to think analytically and rationally as they strive to understand God’s plans for their lives.

Fine Arts

With every stroke of a paintbrush, every note played to perfection, and every acting debut – students will have the opportunity to worship through creative expression. Their imagination will allow them to create, play, sing, act, and express themselves in a way that creates freedom in worship.

At Lakeway Christian Academy, we will encourage students to pursue the arts through one of our many opportunities in band, chorus, theatre, and visual arts. Fostering environments where students use their talents as a form of worship.

Find out more about Lakeway Fine Arts at their website: www.lakewayfinearts.org.

Career & Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is education that directly prepares students for high-wage, high-demand careers. CTE covers many different fields, including health care, information technology, advanced manufacturing, hospitality, management, and many more. CTE encompasses many different types of education, from classroom learning to certification programs to work-based learning opportunities outside of the classroom.  

At LCA we have the following CTE programs:

  • Audio Visual Production
  • Culinary
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Principles of Manufacturing/Welding
  • Robotics/STEM/Intro to Engineering
  • Work-Based Learning  
  • Yearbook


VEX Robotics is educational robotics for everyone. VEX solutions span all levels of both formal and informal education with accessible, scalable, and affordable solutions. Beyond science and engineering principles, VEX encourages creativity, teamwork, leadership, and problem solving among groups. It allows educators of all types to engage and inspire the STEM problem solvers of tomorrow!

Clubs & Honor Societies

At Lakeway Christian Academy we offer the following clubs:

  • 4-H Club
  • A/V Club
  • Debate
  • Robotics

In addition to these clubs, we have different Honor Societies a student may join:

  • Beta Club - Middle School
  • National Honor Society - High School
  • Latin Honor Society
  • Spanish Honor Society

The National Honor Society is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories, which consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

National Honor Society

Transcript Request

Please email lca-records@lcstn.org for a Transcript Request Form. After it is completed and submitted, the Registrar will contact you when your transcript is available for pick-up. Please allow up to 7 business days for your request to be processed. Thank you!

A collage of students at LCA